trationBoron Chemical Test Kit for Irrigation Water HI38074 Hanna Instruments.
Boron Chemical Test Kit HI38074 Hanna Instruments is a chemical test kit that measures boron in irrigation water by titration with boric acid. The HI38074 is supplied complete with all of the reagents and equipment necessary to perform 100 tests.
dangerous (may only be used for very tolerant crops)
Specification of Boron Chemical test Kit HI38074 :
Specification Name
Smallest Increment
0.2 mg/L (ppm)
boric acid
Number of Tests
100 avg.
Ordering Information
HI38074 test kit comes with reagents for 100 tests, HI98103 Checker pH meter, pH 4.01 sachet (1), pH 7.01 sachet (1), screwdriver, 120 mL bottle with cap, 50 mL calibrated vessel, and 1 mL plastic pipettes (2).
Boron Chemical Test Kit for Irrigation Water HI38074
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trationBoron Chemical Test Kit for Irrigation Water HI38074 Hanna Instruments.
Boron Chemical Test Kit HI38074 Hanna Instruments is a chemical test kit that measures boron in irrigation water by titration with boric acid. The HI38074 is supplied complete with all of the reagents and equipment necessary to perform 100 tests.
Kami PT. Alfa Omega Indolab merupakan distributor untuk alat-alat Laboratorium. Kami menjual berbagai macam pH Meter Hanna Instrument dengan dukungan purna jual prima sehingga memberikan kenyaman kepada user. Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh kota di Indonesia. Temukan produk-produk kami yang lain untuk melengkapi kebutuhan Laboratorium Anda. Berikut beberapa alat ukur penting untuk uji kualitas air : pH Meter, TDS Meter, DO Meter, Photometer, COD Meter, Turbidity Meter, Conductivity Meter, Salinity Meter, ORP Meter, ISE Meter, Refractometer, Thermometer, Chemical Test Kit, dll. Hanna Instrument fokus memproduksi alat ukur kualitas air, sehingga sangat menjaga mutunya.
Boron concentration classification:
Specification of Boron Chemical test Kit HI38074 :
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