Glycol Chemical Test Kit HI3859 Hanna Instruments Hanna Instruments.
Glycol Chemical test Kit HI3859 Hanna Instruments. The HI3859 is a chemical test kit that uses a visual method to determine the presence of glycol. The HI3859 is supplied complete with all of the reagents and equipment necessary to perform 25 tests.
All required materials are included with the test kit, such as the reagent bottles and packets, plastic pipettes, and glass vials.
Yes / No
The presence of glycol in a sample is easily recognized in the form of an intense purple color.
Replacement reagents available
There is no need to buy a new kit when reagents are exhausted. The HI3859-025 reagent set can be ordered to replace the reagents supplied with the kit. This reagent set comes with 1 (125 mL) bottle of HI3859A-0 reagent, 25 packets of HI3859B-0 reagent, and 25 packets of HI3859C-0 reagent.
Significance of Use
Ethylene glycol is widely used as a coolant and antifreeze. Its presence in motor oil or tranmission fluid is an indication of a perforated engine block or of a leakage in the cooling systems. The Hanna Glycol test kit can be used for water as well as oil samples to determine traces of ethylene glycol and other 1,2 glycols above 30 mg/L (ppm). Ethylene glycol and other 1,2 glycols are determined by a two step reaction:
Step 1: Glycol is oxidized to two carbonyl groups under acidic conditions.
Step 2: The carbonyl groups react with the indicator in the HI3859C-0 reagent powder packet to give a colored solution.
Specification Name
Smallest Increment
oxidation of glycolic group
Number of Tests
25 avg.
Ordering Information
HI3859 test kit comes with 125 mL glycol reagent A, 25 packets glycol reagent B, 25 packets glycol reagent C, 25 mL glycol standard 0.025%, 3 mL plastic pipette, 1 mL plastic pipettes (25), 10 mL glass vials with caps (2) and brush.
Glycol Chemical Test Kit HI3859 Hanna Instruments
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Glycol Chemical Test Kit HI3859 Hanna Instruments Hanna Instruments.
Glycol Chemical test Kit HI3859 Hanna Instruments. The HI3859 is a chemical test kit that uses a visual method to determine the presence of glycol. The HI3859 is supplied complete with all of the reagents and equipment necessary to perform 25 tests.
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Features at-a-glance
Complete setup
Yes / No
Replacement reagents available
Significance of Use
Ethylene glycol is widely used as a coolant and antifreeze. Its presence in motor oil or tranmission fluid is an indication of a perforated engine block or of a leakage in the cooling systems. The Hanna Glycol test kit can be used for water as well as oil samples to determine traces of ethylene glycol and other 1,2 glycols above 30 mg/L (ppm). Ethylene glycol and other 1,2 glycols are determined by a two step reaction:
Step 1: Glycol is oxidized to two carbonyl groups under acidic conditions.
Step 2: The carbonyl groups react with the indicator in the HI3859C-0 reagent powder packet to give a colored solution.
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